PHD Help Desk Versión en Español

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions. (Ver. 2.12)

1.- Instalation.

2.- Configuration.

3.- Operation and use.

3.- Operation and use.

P: An operator has forgotten his password, how I assign a new one to him?
R: In the menu option Operators press the button corresponding to the operator to which is wanted to assign a new password, in the upper part of the screen will be the data of himself with the button Generate new password, when pressing it will be sent to the electronic mail of the operator its password of access, in case the server is not qualifying to send mail the password is informed to the administrator by screen.
P: There is an only user with level of access of Administrator and forgot its password, how can be forced a new one?
R: The password of the user is due to force directly in the data base by means of the execution of the following sentence : UPDATE operador set contrasenia=md5('the_password') where operador_id='ID_OF_ADMINISTRATOR'
P: How can accede a user to enter a self support request to the Help Desk?
R:There are two ways:
1) Entering through index.php and then selected the option Web user request access.
2) Entering directly to user_request.php that it is the form of self support request.

If you wish to ask for support or to make consultations about the functionalities go to our forum at

PHD Help Desk es marca registrada de Julio César Tuozzo.